It looks like it's going to be a busy summer as the political machines gear up for a showdown in the fall. There's much on the line this November when people take to the polls to elect, or re elect new Congressional Representatives. There are quite a few Senate seats up for grabs as well.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Awakening
It looks like it's going to be a busy summer as the political machines gear up for a showdown in the fall. There's much on the line this November when people take to the polls to elect, or re elect new Congressional Representatives. There are quite a few Senate seats up for grabs as well.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
If Not For the Kids Why Not For the Planet?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
It Doesn't Feel Like America
Monday, April 26, 2010
There has been a lot of talk about greed as of late. Greedy Wall Street bankers and those huge corporate monsters destroying everything in their path for a greedy pursuit of wealth. Greedy fat cats living large off of the labor of the poor and their blatant disregard for the "downtrodden".
Thursday, April 22, 2010
April 22 Happy Birthday to You
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." Vladimir Lenin
"The goal of socialism is communism." Vladimir Lenin
"One man with a gun can control 100 without one." Vladimir Lenin
So Happy birthday to you Vlad on this your 140th. Hmmm, 140? Today is the 40th Earth day. That means on the 100th celebration of your birthday, Earth day was born. Do you think that maybe..... Nah, it's just a wacky coincidence.
"Without a revolutionary theory there cannot be a revolutionary movement." Vladimir Lenin
Salute Mr. Lenin! Green IS the new red.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Actions Speak Louder than Words
"I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts." John Locke
Talk is cheap, everyone knows that. It's easy for anyone to say anything and not not mean a word of it. Lying is a disturbing and can be a dangerous concept for those who wield great power. But what's even more disturbing is when someone says something knowing that it will be perceived one way yet, mean something else.
When Barack Hussein Obama was running for the President of The United States of America, he promised that his administration would be the most transparent ever. Everyone, well not everyone, assumed that meant that the press would have visible access to what was being done, the American people would be able to see the workings of the administration and there would be little opportunity for corruption. Basically we thought that the administration would be open to scrutiny.
That is not what this man meant at all. Barry has held fewer press conferences than his predecessor held in the same time period early in his administration, but that's not all. They've been very careful and guarded about what is filtered to the press. Granted this isn't a new thing and most administrations attempt to frame their image in the press, but this group has gone beyond that.
The way in which this administration governs is disturbing. Past administrations tried to frame the dialog in order to win the debate and therefore get the American people on their side. This administration, with their Party accomplices in Congress, don't even attempt to persuade the American electorate and have shown themselves quite willing to govern against the will of the very people they govern. The Health Care legislation is a prime example of this. It was forced through using parliamentary slight of hand, back room deals and political thuggery. The American people weren't even given a chance to read the bill. Nancy Pelosi even said that they had to pass it so we could see what was in it.
When Mr. Obama talked of transparency, he didn't mean that you would be able to see clearly. When something is transparent, you don't see it and I think that's what he meant. I wonder what he meant about post partisan?
Friday, February 19, 2010
Global Hoax Part 1
I’ve been compiling a list of bookmarked articles on the Global Warming/Climate Change meltdown. Being one of those Neanderthals who never believed that it was the emergency that the alarmists claimed it to be, I find these new developments quite interesting. The proponents of the theory of Man Made Global Warming were just a bit too confident and smug in their pontifications, so when I started finding more and more stories that were coming out about the “Science” not being so settled after all, the radar kicked in.
The Science was “settled” and the scientists had reached “consensus”; the “debate was over.” Human carbon emissions were responsible for the polar ice caps melting, rising sea levels, habitat destruction and lots of other horrible things happening to our planet. The United Nations as well as our very own country were about to enact draconian measures in order to “save the Earth”. The United States House of Representatives had passed a Cap and Trade bill and the Senate was beginning to work on their very own bill. Internationally the Kyoto Protocol had been signed and the Climate Treaty signing in Copenhagen was going to be the culmination of all the work that had been done to “save the earth”.
It didn’t matter that there were quite a few scientists who disagreed with the AGW theory; the “science was settled”, the debate was “over”; the scientists had reached a “consensus”. Those folks who didn’t agree with the current orthodoxy were called; “Deniers”, “skeptics” and “flat earthers”. This was an emergency and emergencies require drastic measures. There was no time to listen to deniers and skeptics; Earth was in a crisis!
A funny thing happened on the road to
I don’t know about you, but I would think if the science was “settled”, you wouldn't attempt to hide your data and cut off dissent. If the earth was truly in imminent danger from carbon emissions, you’d think that these guys would shed every bit of light on the data as well as keeping it open to scrutiny from "non believers". Come on, the future of the earth was at stake and we were going to be asked to make some very serious changes on how we would live our lives. These were grim and alarming claims; a catastrophe was in our very near future.
The question that comes to my mind is why? I’m not going to go into that now. I’m still in the process of collecting information on the players in this scam and this note is about the articles on the collapse of the hoax.
Whoever it was that “hacked’ those emails, is owed a debt of gratitude. What has happened since then has been a revival of journalistic pursuit that has, quite honestly, rekindled my faith in the profession. Unfortunately most of the journalists doing the investigating are from other countries, particularly
In my next post I’ll share the majority of the relevant articles pertaining to the Climate Change Meltdown. I will use the best of the articles by the most reputable sources.