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Saturday, May 15, 2010

It Doesn't Feel Like America

I haven't written much as of late. Been feeling the blahs and a bit of some burn out from the news. It's not that there isn't a whole lot to write about, there's plenty and maybe that's the problem; there's just too much to chose from.

I must admit that it's been really weird lately. It just doesn't feel like America anymore. Yeah, that's an odd comment, but it's an honest one. It's really a hard thing to explain, but for the first time in my life I have the strange feeling that my government looks at me as nothing more than a source of revenue and potential trouble. It has been one Federal power grab after another for the past 15 months and it doesn't look like it's going to let up anytime soon. Every bit of legislation coming from Congress seems to give more power to the president and it's really quite scary.

Speaking of the guy in the White House. It turns out that he's really not as bright as we were led to believe. Either that, or he's more concerned about his ideology and agenda than he is about fulfilling his Constitutional role as President of the United States of America. He's a petty and narcissistic little man who appears to be quite vindictive. He likes to point fingers and I've yet to hear him take responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault, however that appears to be wearing thin, even in the fawning media. There's been a lot of whining and complaining about those who, rightly so, oppose his destructive policies. He also likes to engage in the juvenile activity of name calling, especially when he doesn't have facts, data and sound ideas to back up his policies. He seems to not want to do the job that he actively campaigned to get.

Lately his supporters have been turned loose on the internet and you can't read the comments to any presidential news story without reading stupid comments by these idiots. I read an article earlier this evening about the immigration issue in Arizona and the comment thread left the realm of debate and devolved into a name calling party by a bunch of sixth graders. The people in the story that were for the law were called all kinds of names and anyone who supported them were treated the same.

This is Obama's America. The "Great Unifier" is really The Great Divider. Our so called first "Post Racial President" has actually increased racial tensions. Our first "Post Partisan" President has actually been instrumental in defining the lines between the parties and may be responsible, with Nancy and Harry, for destroying the Democratic Party. I have never seen America this divided in my life. People are angry at the government, well, most people are angry with the government. There are quite a few people who rely on the Feds for their livelihood and I'm sure they're quite happy with Barry.

I guess that we Americans have learned that elections have consequences. It's a shame that it had to be this expensive a lesson. It's going to take a lot of work to undo what this man has brought about. I believe that it can be done, the question is; will there be those out there with the political will to make the tough decisions and follow through? I suppose time will tell, in the mean time we'll just have remain vigilant.

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