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Friday, July 8, 2011

A Letter To My Brother/s

Maksim People's Cube
     I recently got into a heated debate on a thread of comments to something my brother posted on facebook.  I should have known better, but I tried.  needless to say, some people got really upset with me, but that's what happens when you bring reason and facts into a room full of liberal Democrats.  When it was all finished I posted a letter to my brother on the thread that I would like to share.  I've cleaned up the grammar a bit because it was written around five o clock in the morning.

     Brother, I've witnessed liberal hypocrisy in action for many years. I'll never forget a union meeting I attended years ago.  One of my "brothers" got up and went on a 20 minute tirade about the special interests.  This corporation here that industry there.  On and on he went about "all this money" going to "buy politicians" and why it should be stopped.  When I asked him later if he was suggesting that we give up our PAC fund he said; "Waddya mean?"  That was one of those rare moments when I was speechless.

     After years of observation I've come to the conclusion that being a liberal Democrat is the easiest thing to be, because you don't have to think; you just have to feel and since your basing your judgments and opinions on feelings and emotions your intentions are "pure" and therefore those who oppose your view are evil.

     All I've done here, and it was quite educational and illustrative was was to point out where Mr. Obama is inconsistent, wrong and why I believe that his policies are bad for the Republic.  Granted, I was a bit snarky and downright confrontational at times, but hey, if the left can do it so can I.  You see they don't like it when their tactics are used against them.

     No one, with the exception of A***r attempted to refute my claims about Mr. Obama.  They resorted to name calling and blaming others.  A***r did get her racist dig at the end of her post, but at least she attempted to counter my points.  Leftists are like insecure children in their world view and any opposition is taken as a personal attack.

     Over the past 2 1/2 years I've witnessed good, honest, decent, lovers of their country be vilified by the those on the left.  The left was even willing to use the attempted assassination of a Congresswoman by a lunatic to try and label their political opponents as "uncivil", "evil" and "hate mongers".  You see, it's an old tactic on the left to render any political opposition impotent by claims that they are "evil".  I don't watch FOX News, but FOX must be doing something right to be hated so much by the left.  Both D***d and E****e suggested that I was a FOX News watcher and that in itself is illustrative of this point; In their childish minds, FOX News is evil, so even facts and good information gleaned from FOX are bad.

      But the one thing that the left really excels at is "projection".  They are the best at projecting their thoughts and emotions on to their political opponents.  
This may explain why Mr. Obama loves that teleprompter, after all it is also a kind of projector.  Chances are, if a lefty calls you a racist, they actually are the racist.  If they call you a homophobe, they probably hold those very thoughts. They will always accuse their opposition with the thoughts and feelings that they themselves harbor.  Want to know what a lefty is thinking?  Wait till he calls you a name. 

     Don't apologize, because I won't. Think of this as an exercise and an educational experience.  You see, once you start to understand your enemy, you can combat them.  A liberal Democrat is like a jealous, insecure and scared little child that wants other people's stuff and someone else to take care of them.  I refuse to be silent any longer. If that pisses people off, oh well they better get used to it; this Republic is too dear to allow the 
world view of idiots to destroy it.

Greg M.

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