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Friday, December 20, 2013

Pajamaboy Diaries

December 2, 2013.

Mother called down to the basement and woke me early. 11:15 am is just wrong! Anyhoo, I got up and went upstairs to the kitchen table. Mother had the Fruity Pebbles already poured into my favorite bowl.. Yes!!! it was going to be a good day after all!

I ate them all, finished my glass of prune juice and went to get my warm and soothing bath. Ugh, Daddy had made a mess again to hurry off at 5:30 am to get to the factory in time and mother's help hadn't arrived yet!! He's such a slob and how he gets so filthy is beyond me. There is talk of closing the plant down and I hope they do, because it's so dirty and I'm sure it's helping to cause Global Warming. Daddy can just stay home like me and mother and in the process, save the environment.

Anyhoo, today was to be an exiting day! The day of the big photo shoot at Organizing for America and I had been selected to be the STAR! Yes, little humble me would be the image of the new campaign. Of course there really wasn't anyone better, as my looks truly represent the image of the progressive American  male. I was also consulted on the content and I thought a Christmas Jammies picture with hot cocoa would truly represent the season in it's proper form.

Things went well, I deferred on the Hot Chocolate and drank warm Kool Aid instead. I love Kool Aid and can't get enough of it, but I digress. Charles was pleased with the photos and Marcy, who reminds me a lot of Rachel Maddow, said that I looked very masculine in my red plaid onesie that mother bought me for the holidays last year.

After the photo shoot we went down to the local watering hole for cocktails. We had a fabulous time talking about all the inequities in our racist and homophobic society. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm an American because of it all, but Barack will fix all of that. I just love saying that name; "Barack", it gives me chills.

Anyhoo, after we left the bar we all separated and went home. Mother warmed a plate for me and I had my dinner. Daddy grumbled something about the economy. He got a little angry when I told him that they said at Organizing for America, that the economy was rebounding and we were in  a recovery. He began to tell me about the Shmeckly's house being foreclosed and today's layoffs at the plant, but I put my fingers in my ears and went lalalalalala. That's when mother told him he was upsetting me. He mumbled something, got up from the table, grabbed a beer and left the room to turn on the television. Ugh, why can't he be as sophisticated as Timothy's dad and drink imported wine? He's an embarrassment!

After I ate, I kissed mother on the cheek and went to my realm, the basement. I turned on the flat screen with the surround sound that mother got me last summer. Ahh, just in time for Hardball!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

On a Positive Note

The situation that we Americans find ourselves in is becoming worse. We're finally beginning to see what "fundamental transformation" looks like and it's not attractive. We are starting to see what Winston Churchill called; "the equal distribution of misery." Millions of American have dropped out of the work force and are no longer counted in official "unemployment" numbers. People have just given up looking for work. A new class of Americans is the part time employee. Federal policies have created a situation where many small businesses cannot afford to hire full time employees and aren't. Part time employees now outnumber full time employees in the private sector. Federal regulations and mandates are strangling the life blood of our economy and many small businesses are finding it very difficult to cope and many aren't. Businesses are closing their doors creating more people out of work.

On top of all of this, the welfare ranks have increased and food stamp usage is at an all time high. Add to that the desire by the political class to allow more uneducated, unskilled and non English speaking people into the country, grant those here illegally amnesty and therefore federal "benefits".... It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure what will happen.

When I look ahead, I don't see any way out of this. People have grown too accustomed to government handouts and many are living quite well off of the labor of others. Immigrants and even people who are not citizens can enjoy a work free life and become obese in the process.

My generation is to blame for this. We are the ones who voted for an ever increasing federal state and now the 13 richest counties in the nation are in the DC Metro area. We truly have an imperial city sucking the life out of every city and hamlet in what used to be the greatest nation on earth. With each new regulation and new law our freedoms are being taken away, or disregarded. We, the people who were the envy of the world because of our freedom, are bequeathing to our children a nation that will be nothing more than a lifeless bureaucratic state filled with people who have dreams, but will not be able to realize them because their freedom to do so has been jettisoned for "security"; however those in power will define that. The "Baby Boomers", the children of those who defeated fascism have embraced a kind of soft fascism. Soft for now, of course.

Up until a few weeks ago I had hope that we would be able to turn this around, but there appears to be no desire to fight by those in the political realm. Oh, there are a handful, but party politics and those who guard their own power, have squelched their voices and are now at war with the principles that they once espoused. Power will do that, you know. Power will change your outlook and will cause you to leave your principles and values behind, but that's another story for another day.

I have no hope that a political solution will ever happen. Once the new "healthcare" law is implemented, it's over. There will be even more reliance on government for everyday needs There will be too much power in the hands of the federal government. Too much personal information about individuals and the state will also have the power to deny care to whomever it desires. We have reached the Rubicon and we are crossing it as I write.

The hope of the American ideal rests now where it always has; with the people. Washington D.C. has become too corrupt and insulated to care and why should they? We have proven over and over with our ballots that we don't care either. Perhaps the American ideal is over. Dead by self inflicted wounds.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Urban Obituary #1

May 31, 2013, Chicago Illinois

A 15-year-old 
Patrick Sykes, child of God, was shot dead Thursday night, police said.

There will be no "Justice for Patrick" rallies, or marches. There will be no hand wringing on MSNBC or any of the other media outlets. There will be no speeches from Al Sharpton, or righteous anger from Jesse Jackson. There will be no petitions signed. None of these things will happen because Patrick's life was of no value; His tragic death at an early age cannot be used to further a political agenda or line the pockets of "reverends".

To the "reverends" and the political class, Patrick's early death is a mere statistic and of no use because the circumstances are far "too common". Besides, how can you possibly work people up into a race baited frenzy and manipulate them when a black teenager dies at the hands of another black teenager? Patrick's death will remain a number. Our prayers go out to his family and particularly his community.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

"What difference does it make?"

Madame Clinton has stated clearly that the lies and diversions that the Obama administration forwarded in the days after the Benghazi attack and brutal murders of our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans is of no concern. In her own words; "What difference, at this point does it make?" My, oh my! This is quite the statement from one, who as a Senator was constantly harassing the former administration. This was her right as a member of the United States Congress constitutionally given oversight of the very Executive branch that she now finds herself an employee of. But, my how the times have changed. 
You know, it's much easier to throw stones than it is to dodge them, but that's beside the point. Our current president, who was also a Senator during Madam Clinton's tenure and also ardently opposed the former administration,  promised transparency to the American people when he ran for office. I don't know why anyone would believe a promise of transparency by someone who spent millions of dollars concealing much of his past, but that's another story that has been covered by many and ignored by the Main Stream Media. However, I want to focus on the here and now and in particular on what Madam Clinton believes doesn't matter, then I'll use her very argument to illustrate the sheer hypocrisy of many liberal/progressive/socialist claims. 


What difference does it make? Madam Clinton I believe that lying to anyone is wrong and I particularly think that a government, whose main function is to represent the people that allow themselves to be governed, would lie to them is abhorrent. Susan Rice went on, not one, not two, but three Sunday morning shows and stated that the attack was in response "to a video". You yourself mentioned on several occasions that it was due to a video and your boss, the President of the United States made the very same statement. It was a lie Madam Clinton; a lie designed to deflect and cover for something.

"Bush Lied People Died!"  Madam Clinton, you and those who you align yourself with politically used this very line for years. It was mere political speech because there were WMDs in Iraq. Hussein gassed the Kurds in the late 80s; it's documented fact and he had plenty of gas stored for the future. Tons of "yellowcake" were taken from Iraq after the fall of the government. But, even if  it's true that "Bush Lied People Died!" 

Madam Clinton, "What difference does it make?


There are four dead Americans and one of them was our official representative in that country. Not only were they killed, but our ambassador was brutalized and raped before he died. The other three died protecting the ambassador and defending the consulate. The Ambassador had sent cable after cable to the State Department begging for more security at the consulate; he never got it. When the consulate asked for backup when the assault began.... they never got it. By the way Madam Clinton, who gave the order to stand down? Why wasn't, at the very least, an F16 or C130 Gunship flying low within minutes of the attack?

~Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,

We're finally on our own.

This summer I hear the drumming,

Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are gunning us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?~

Madam Clinton, "What difference does it make?"


The filmmaker, that made the so called "inflammatory video", a naturalized American citizen has been harassed by the federal government since this incident. His arrest was televised. The last I heard he is still in prison for "parole violations". I wonder if he would have been put in jail for these parole violations had he not made this video? Somehow I think not. That's a very good use of federal power; harassing citizens for exercising their 1st Amendment rights. The administration should be proud. that they are following in the footsteps of the former administration.

~After being targeted by the federal government for years of scrutinizing former President George W. Bush’s handling of foreign affairs in Iraq and Afghanistan, Juan Cole — professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian history — instigated a formal investigation of the administration claiming it unlawfully sought personal information about him.
University officials and professors said that his blog, the Informed Comment, is protected under the first amendment right to free speech, and that the U.S. government is violating his constitutional rights by embarking upon a personal investigation of Cole for the blog entries he wrote regarding the war.~
Madam Clinton, "What difference does it make?"


It's fact that the administration lied to the American people. The UN Ambassador did, you did, several others within the administration did and the President did as well. Governments that lie really shouldn't be trusted by the people who they represent because a lie is nothing more than a cover; it is used to conceal something, otherwise there would be no reason to lie. You are hiding something Madam Clinton. We don't know what it is, but we know that the administration is hiding something from the American people. I wonder, "What did the president know and when did he know it?"

I know that sounds familiar. You probably remember those words quite well. You were politically active in the early 70s when the Watergate hearings were happening and you were probably one of those wanting to see the destruction of President Nixon. It's amazing how a little burglary and political hi jinx can get out of hand, but Nixon was a fool to think that he could get away with a cover up. After all, that was the big deal, wasn't it? Had he come clean at the beginning and turned in the culprits it might of gone on a little further, but I don't think a Senate investigation, calls for impeachment and his ultimate resignation would have been in order. I was 12 years old during the Watergate hearings and they were televised. I would come home from school and watch them because I was fascinated with the idea that high officials in our government would lie to us. "What did the president know and when did he know it?"

Madam Clinton, "What difference does it make?"


Madam Clinton, I agree with Rand Paul. When he said that you should have been relieved of your post for the failures under your watch, he was dead on. You are either incompetent or a liar and America deserves better. It doesn't appear that we're going to get anything much better in the near future, but we'll have to deal with what comes our way as Americans have done for over 200 years now. I hope you run for president in 2016, because I believe that after your defeat America will never have to put up with you again. As a man of faith I recognize that the wicked prosper, for a time and then their time is no more. There is a special place reserved for liars, schemers and corrupt people like you. I'll just have to be content with that knowledge for the time being.
