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Friday, December 20, 2013

Pajamaboy Diaries

December 2, 2013.

Mother called down to the basement and woke me early. 11:15 am is just wrong! Anyhoo, I got up and went upstairs to the kitchen table. Mother had the Fruity Pebbles already poured into my favorite bowl.. Yes!!! it was going to be a good day after all!

I ate them all, finished my glass of prune juice and went to get my warm and soothing bath. Ugh, Daddy had made a mess again to hurry off at 5:30 am to get to the factory in time and mother's help hadn't arrived yet!! He's such a slob and how he gets so filthy is beyond me. There is talk of closing the plant down and I hope they do, because it's so dirty and I'm sure it's helping to cause Global Warming. Daddy can just stay home like me and mother and in the process, save the environment.

Anyhoo, today was to be an exiting day! The day of the big photo shoot at Organizing for America and I had been selected to be the STAR! Yes, little humble me would be the image of the new campaign. Of course there really wasn't anyone better, as my looks truly represent the image of the progressive American  male. I was also consulted on the content and I thought a Christmas Jammies picture with hot cocoa would truly represent the season in it's proper form.

Things went well, I deferred on the Hot Chocolate and drank warm Kool Aid instead. I love Kool Aid and can't get enough of it, but I digress. Charles was pleased with the photos and Marcy, who reminds me a lot of Rachel Maddow, said that I looked very masculine in my red plaid onesie that mother bought me for the holidays last year.

After the photo shoot we went down to the local watering hole for cocktails. We had a fabulous time talking about all the inequities in our racist and homophobic society. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm an American because of it all, but Barack will fix all of that. I just love saying that name; "Barack", it gives me chills.

Anyhoo, after we left the bar we all separated and went home. Mother warmed a plate for me and I had my dinner. Daddy grumbled something about the economy. He got a little angry when I told him that they said at Organizing for America, that the economy was rebounding and we were in  a recovery. He began to tell me about the Shmeckly's house being foreclosed and today's layoffs at the plant, but I put my fingers in my ears and went lalalalalala. That's when mother told him he was upsetting me. He mumbled something, got up from the table, grabbed a beer and left the room to turn on the television. Ugh, why can't he be as sophisticated as Timothy's dad and drink imported wine? He's an embarrassment!

After I ate, I kissed mother on the cheek and went to my realm, the basement. I turned on the flat screen with the surround sound that mother got me last summer. Ahh, just in time for Hardball!

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