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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

If Not For the Kids Why Not For the Planet?

Sad news came today; after 40 years of marital bliss, Al and Tipper Gore are calling it quits. It's never a good thing when families divide, but Al and Tipper were a special couple.

Who could ever forget the great Gore kiss at the the 200o Democratic National Convention after Al locked up his party's nomination for president? What about the heady 90s when Al was VP and Tipper was at his side. They were THE Washington couple.

You know, I blame George Bush for this development. Come on, who else could be to responsible? It's common knowledge that he and Dick Cheney are responsible for all the ills in our society, just watch MSNBC or read the New York Times.

Anyway, the news really got to me because of their children. Being a product of a broken home I, as much as anyone, understand the complexities that arise in the lives of children when their parents divorce. What about the Gore children? Couldn't Al and Tipper stick it out for a few more years until the younguns were out of the house? After all the kids should be the main concern here and all selfishness should be put aside "for the children". Those developmental and formative years are tough enough without adding the confusion of parental separation.

It turns out that the four Gore children are grown. I do understand that even adult children can and do suffer when their parents divorce, but the effects are not as harsh as they would be if they were at a more tender age. The news that the "kids" were now adults relieved some of my anxiety.

Then I started thinking about the effects that this split could have on our fragile planet. Could this news somehow put Mother Earth out of balance? Could divorce be bad for the earth?

I haven't been able to get the horrific thought out of my mind. Could the Gore's divorce be bad for the environment? As a married couple the Gores shared the same lighting, the same heating, possessions and home. Now that Al and Tipper are divorcing, they'll now be living in different places, using different light, heat, air conditioning and they'll be doubling up on possessions like can openers, televisions and other items. Could the Gore's cause an imbalance in nature with their split?

As I pondered these things, some questions arose; How could Al do this to our planet? Why would he be so selfish as to harm our fragile ecosystem with this divorce? Why the hypocrisy? Then I remembered that Al and Tipper are merely victims. Victims of the Bush years.

Is there anything that we can't blame George for? Hey! What's that fly doing in my soup?

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