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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Awakening

by Greg Miller

     It looks like it's going to be a busy summer as the political machines gear up for a showdown in the fall. There's much on the line this November when people take to the polls to elect, or re elect new Congressional Representatives. There are quite a few Senate seats up for grabs as well.

  This time last year it looked as though a Democratic majority would govern for quite some time. We had elected a new President and his party, the Democratic Party, had gained huge majorities in both houses of Congress. It was a new day for America and it wouldn't be long before "fundamental transformation" would occur.

  A funny thing happened on the way to November's mid term elections; America woke up. It turns out that the American people understand that, just because you win an election, you can't govern against the will of the electorate.

  Barrack Hussein Obama ran a masterful campaign. He benefited from a sympathetic American media that was unwilling to vet him, a general anger at George Bush, a bad economy and people who just wanted Hope and Change. It didn't matter that he was vague about what that Hope and Change meant, people were tired of the status quo and they looked at Barry's opponent as more of the same. Obama won big.

  The day after the election I posted this on my facebook profile; "Elections are easy, governing is hard." The reason for making that statement is simple. The American people are a stubborn lot. We enjoy our freedoms and cherish Liberty. You see, if the media was unwilling to vet Barry, there was nothing stopping others like me from doing it. We have this wonderful thing called the internet and it has been an incredible educational resource for me. It didn't take long to find out quite a bit about Mr. Obama; his beliefs and his activities. I found out who his friends were and what he wrote as well as his voting record. I knew that once the American people began to see who and what he was, they would realize that a mistake had been made.

I believe that I was correct in that belief. From all the data I can gather it appears that the Democratic Party is going to suffer a political bloodbath this November. The reasons are many, but it all boils down to this; You cannot govern against the will of the American People. This doesn't mean that the Democratic defeat will happen, but if the trend continues there will be far fewer Democrats in Congress this time next year and that is very important in order to stop this administration's agenda.

Barry's agenda is not America's agenda. We've always been a center right society. The belief that you can force a leftist ideology upon a country with firm roots in freedom is a stupid one. Socialism is nothing more than a form of slavery and the average American understands this and does not want it. Could be that Barry may be responsible for a new American awakening. Let's Hope for that Change!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

If Not For the Kids Why Not For the Planet?

Sad news came today; after 40 years of marital bliss, Al and Tipper Gore are calling it quits. It's never a good thing when families divide, but Al and Tipper were a special couple.

Who could ever forget the great Gore kiss at the the 200o Democratic National Convention after Al locked up his party's nomination for president? What about the heady 90s when Al was VP and Tipper was at his side. They were THE Washington couple.

You know, I blame George Bush for this development. Come on, who else could be to responsible? It's common knowledge that he and Dick Cheney are responsible for all the ills in our society, just watch MSNBC or read the New York Times.

Anyway, the news really got to me because of their children. Being a product of a broken home I, as much as anyone, understand the complexities that arise in the lives of children when their parents divorce. What about the Gore children? Couldn't Al and Tipper stick it out for a few more years until the younguns were out of the house? After all the kids should be the main concern here and all selfishness should be put aside "for the children". Those developmental and formative years are tough enough without adding the confusion of parental separation.

It turns out that the four Gore children are grown. I do understand that even adult children can and do suffer when their parents divorce, but the effects are not as harsh as they would be if they were at a more tender age. The news that the "kids" were now adults relieved some of my anxiety.

Then I started thinking about the effects that this split could have on our fragile planet. Could this news somehow put Mother Earth out of balance? Could divorce be bad for the earth?

I haven't been able to get the horrific thought out of my mind. Could the Gore's divorce be bad for the environment? As a married couple the Gores shared the same lighting, the same heating, possessions and home. Now that Al and Tipper are divorcing, they'll now be living in different places, using different light, heat, air conditioning and they'll be doubling up on possessions like can openers, televisions and other items. Could the Gore's cause an imbalance in nature with their split?

As I pondered these things, some questions arose; How could Al do this to our planet? Why would he be so selfish as to harm our fragile ecosystem with this divorce? Why the hypocrisy? Then I remembered that Al and Tipper are merely victims. Victims of the Bush years.

Is there anything that we can't blame George for? Hey! What's that fly doing in my soup?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

It Doesn't Feel Like America

I haven't written much as of late. Been feeling the blahs and a bit of some burn out from the news. It's not that there isn't a whole lot to write about, there's plenty and maybe that's the problem; there's just too much to chose from.

I must admit that it's been really weird lately. It just doesn't feel like America anymore. Yeah, that's an odd comment, but it's an honest one. It's really a hard thing to explain, but for the first time in my life I have the strange feeling that my government looks at me as nothing more than a source of revenue and potential trouble. It has been one Federal power grab after another for the past 15 months and it doesn't look like it's going to let up anytime soon. Every bit of legislation coming from Congress seems to give more power to the president and it's really quite scary.

Speaking of the guy in the White House. It turns out that he's really not as bright as we were led to believe. Either that, or he's more concerned about his ideology and agenda than he is about fulfilling his Constitutional role as President of the United States of America. He's a petty and narcissistic little man who appears to be quite vindictive. He likes to point fingers and I've yet to hear him take responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault, however that appears to be wearing thin, even in the fawning media. There's been a lot of whining and complaining about those who, rightly so, oppose his destructive policies. He also likes to engage in the juvenile activity of name calling, especially when he doesn't have facts, data and sound ideas to back up his policies. He seems to not want to do the job that he actively campaigned to get.

Lately his supporters have been turned loose on the internet and you can't read the comments to any presidential news story without reading stupid comments by these idiots. I read an article earlier this evening about the immigration issue in Arizona and the comment thread left the realm of debate and devolved into a name calling party by a bunch of sixth graders. The people in the story that were for the law were called all kinds of names and anyone who supported them were treated the same.

This is Obama's America. The "Great Unifier" is really The Great Divider. Our so called first "Post Racial President" has actually increased racial tensions. Our first "Post Partisan" President has actually been instrumental in defining the lines between the parties and may be responsible, with Nancy and Harry, for destroying the Democratic Party. I have never seen America this divided in my life. People are angry at the government, well, most people are angry with the government. There are quite a few people who rely on the Feds for their livelihood and I'm sure they're quite happy with Barry.

I guess that we Americans have learned that elections have consequences. It's a shame that it had to be this expensive a lesson. It's going to take a lot of work to undo what this man has brought about. I believe that it can be done, the question is; will there be those out there with the political will to make the tough decisions and follow through? I suppose time will tell, in the mean time we'll just have remain vigilant.

Monday, April 26, 2010


There has been a lot of talk about greed as of late. Greedy Wall Street bankers and those huge corporate monsters destroying everything in their path for a greedy pursuit of wealth. Greedy fat cats living large off of the labor of the poor and their blatant disregard for the "downtrodden".

This is incredibly irresponsible and inflammatory language because of the effect that it may have on those members of our society (This is a leftist argument against right wing talk radio) who have been told that nothing is their fault. Hey, if it's not your fault for the situation you find yourself in, then it must be the fault of some one else, right?. Who better than those greedy Wall Street bankers to cast your frustrations and angers upon? If they get theirs; now that's justice and it's about time. But hey, when has America's leftists been responsible?

There's one problem with this track though; people are greedy for more than just money, so if these Wall Street bankers are to be brought down to size because of their greed for money, what should happen to those who are greedy for power? What about those with a lust for political power? Greed is greed and if it's a bad thing, then it's bad for everyone; including the power hungry.

There is no doubt in my mind that the current Goldman Sachs show trial in Washington right now, is about nothing more than power. The "Democrats" are parading these GS executives before the television cameras in order to make it look like they're taking care of us little people by calling these evil men on the carpet. Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Goldman Sachs. Our last governor was a former GS executive and he was an absolute joke. However, these hearings are really quite laughable and absurd because this is all for show; it's Kabuki Theater. We all know that families take care of one another.

You see what we are witnessing is really an incestuous relationship between politicians and their political patrons. Goldman Sachs gave almost $1,000,000 to the Obama campaign as well as money to the campaigns of those very people grilling them in the Senate conference rooms. The Obama administration is littered with many a Goldman Sachs expatriate and many former "Democratic" Congressmen and Senators have found employment with the firm. It's ludicrous to think of this as anything other than political theater. It's all designed to soften the ground for the pending banking legislation in the Senate. Goldman Sachs will pay a fine and after a light spanking will go back to lobbying for new regulations that will allow them to solidify their share of the market and edge out any competition.

What does this have to do with greed for power? Well, I'm glad you asked. When you look at the pending banking legislation closely, you begin to see some interesting things. The legislation that is before the Senate gives the FTC unprecedented and near dictatorial powers within the banking industry. It would also create a brand new Federal regulatory agency; the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (just what we need, another bureaucracy). The bill would touch all corners of the financial sector, from small-town mortgage brokers to the highest penthouse office suites on Wall Street. The Federal Reserve emerges as a leaner institution with new powers to regulate the size and the activities of the nation’s largest financial firms (I thought the the Federal Reserve was a private institution? Why would the Feds give them the power of regulation? Isn't the Fed chair a former Goldman Sachs executive?).

This piece of legislation is a huge 1400 page monstrosity of a bill. I'm sure that Goldman Sachs will gladly pay the fine, take the verbal abuse and slap on the wrist in order to be a diversion for a governmental power grab of the financial sector that will benefit them tremendously.

We're not really a capitalist society any longer. Those days began to fade with the original Anti Trust Laws in the early Twentieth Century and have gradually withered away under increasing regulation over the years. Add to that the fact that the referee, the Federal government, has entered the game and is now a player with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the new college loan bill (Still trying to figure out what that has to do with health care). That's why firms, unions and corporations spend so much money lobbying the Federal government and can you blame them? One sentence in a 1400 page bill could mean the difference between earning or losing millions of dollars. What we have now is "Crony Capitalism", "Pay to Play" and legal extortion. The Federal government was never intended to have this much power, but that's a topic for another post.

I've always had a healthy distrust of government. It's my heritage as an American to be suspicious of those who seek office, but over the past three years I've begun to feel quite uneasy with the rhetoric and activities coming from Washington. For the first time in my life I feel that those in power look at me as nothing more than a source of revenue and potential trouble. You see, power not only corrupts, it is addicting. Try getting between an addict and their fix sometime. It ain't pretty.

There's an old Chinese curse; "May you live in interesting times." I pray that we can soon return to less interesting days.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22 Happy Birthday to You

"It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed." Vladimir Lenin

Well a hearty happy birthday to you Mr. General Secretary. You embraced unquestioningly the mishmash of contradictions and lies that is Marxism and re-enslaved a nation.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." Vladimir Lenin

You and your fellow Communists channeled funds abroad to foment rebellions in capitalist countries, sending vast sums to Western Europe even as your own people starved.

"The goal of socialism is communism." Vladimir Lenin

You ruthlessly weeded out any dissent within your own country because your ideology can only work within a vacuum. They were massacred for no other reason than disagreeing and opposing your policies. Some were murdered because they belonged to the wrong class. They were murdered for being religious and the wrong ethnic group. Your policies led to a famine in 1921 in which 5 million people perished. You permitted the Red Armies' campaign of raging anti-Semitic violence. You approved the cold-blooded execution of the entire Imperial family, including women and children. You allowed the new secret police, the "Cheka," to take innocent hostages at random–and shoot them, if necessary–to secure the grain supply. You exiled all political opposition, including the Mensheviks. You, in every way, institutionalized terror as a method of state policy, establishing both the system of deportation to concentration camps and the practice of political murder

"One man with a gun can control 100 without one." Vladimir Lenin

So Happy birthday to you Vlad on this your 140th. Hmmm, 140? Today is the 40th Earth day. That means on the 100th celebration of your birthday, Earth day was born. Do you think that maybe..... Nah, it's just a wacky coincidence.

"Without a revolutionary theory there cannot be a revolutionary movement." Vladimir Lenin

Salute Mr. Lenin! Green IS the new red.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Actions Speak Louder than Words

"I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts." John Locke

Talk is cheap, everyone knows that. It's easy for anyone to say anything and not not mean a word of it. Lying is a disturbing and can be a dangerous concept for those who wield great power. But what's even more disturbing is when someone says something knowing that it will be perceived one way yet, mean something else.

When Barack Hussein Obama was running for the President of The United States of America, he promised that his administration would be the most transparent ever. Everyone, well not everyone, assumed that meant that the press would have visible access to what was being done, the American people would be able to see the workings of the administration and there would be little opportunity for corruption. Basically we thought that the administration would be open to scrutiny.

That is not what this man meant at all. Barry has held fewer press conferences than his predecessor held in the same time period early in his administration, but that's not all. They've been very careful and guarded about what is filtered to the press. Granted this isn't a new thing and most administrations attempt to frame their image in the press, but this group has gone beyond that.

The way in which this administration governs is disturbing. Past administrations tried to frame the dialog in order to win the debate and therefore get the American people on their side. This administration, with their Party accomplices in Congress, don't even attempt to persuade the American electorate and have shown themselves quite willing to govern against the will of the very people they govern. The Health Care legislation is a prime example of this. It was forced through using parliamentary slight of hand, back room deals and political thuggery. The American people weren't even given a chance to read the bill. Nancy Pelosi even said that they had to pass it so we could see what was in it.

A new and more disturbing trend has developed recently. The administrations allies in the left wing "press" have come out and attacked those who have questioned the administration. The word sedition has been used against some vocal dissenters of Obama policy. This is beyond disturbing, this is downright frightening.

When Mr. Obama talked of transparency, he didn't mean that you would be able to see clearly. When something is transparent, you don't see it and I think that's what he meant. I wonder what he meant about post partisan?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Global Hoax Part 1

I’ve been compiling a list of bookmarked articles on the Global Warming/Climate Change meltdown. Being one of those Neanderthals who never believed that it was the emergency that the alarmists claimed it to be, I find these new developments quite interesting. The proponents of the theory of Man Made Global Warming were just a bit too confident and smug in their pontifications, so when I started finding more and more stories that were coming out about the “Science” not being so settled after all, the radar kicked in.

The Science was “settled” and the scientists had reached “consensus”; the “debate was over.” Human carbon emissions were responsible for the polar ice caps melting, rising sea levels, habitat destruction and lots of other horrible things happening to our planet. The United Nations as well as our very own country were about to enact draconian measures in order to “save the Earth”. The United States House of Representatives had passed a Cap and Trade bill and the Senate was beginning to work on their very own bill. Internationally the Kyoto Protocol had been signed and the Climate Treaty signing in Copenhagen was going to be the culmination of all the work that had been done to “save the earth”.

It didn’t matter that there were quite a few scientists who disagreed with the AGW theory; the “science was settled”, the debate was “over”; the scientists had reached a “consensus”. Those folks who didn’t agree with the current orthodoxy were called; “Deniers”, “skeptics” and “flat earthers”. This was an emergency and emergencies require drastic measures. There was no time to listen to deniers and skeptics; Earth was in a crisis!

A funny thing happened on the road to Copenhagen. Someone hacked into the computers of the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia and posted them on the internet. What these emails reveal is very interesting and troubling. The revelations include; “concerted efforts to withhold data, conversations that allude to manipulating climate data in order to “hide the decline” of temperatures seen in the last decade, attempts at controlling the peer review process and strategies to marginalize debate and those who disagree with the AGW theory.

I don’t know about you, but I would think if the science was “settled”, you wouldn't attempt to hide your data and cut off dissent. If the earth was truly in imminent danger from carbon emissions, you’d think that these guys would shed every bit of light on the data as well as keeping it open to scrutiny from "non believers". Come on, the future of the earth was at stake and we were going to be asked to make some very serious changes on how we would live our lives. These were grim and alarming claims; a catastrophe was in our very near future.

The question that comes to my mind is why? I’m not going to go into that now. I’m still in the process of collecting information on the players in this scam and this note is about the articles on the collapse of the hoax.

Whoever it was that “hacked’ those emails, is owed a debt of gratitude. What has happened since then has been a revival of journalistic pursuit that has, quite honestly, rekindled my faith in the profession. Unfortunately most of the journalists doing the investigating are from other countries, particularly Britain. Thank God for the internet that has allowed those of us, of the inquisitive persuasion, to seek information from other lands. The good news is that the American press is beginning to sniff around and that’s good because you wouldn’t want to miss, quite possibly the biggest story in the history of man because of where the powerful, nationally and internationally, were more than willing to take us. You see, emergencies require quick and decisive action and the political elite were more than happy to save us from ourselves.

In my next post I’ll share the majority of the relevant articles pertaining to the Climate Change Meltdown. I will use the best of the articles by the most reputable sources.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just Some Ramblings

I need to write more. The thing is that I need to write and create. At this time it's basically the only creative outlet that I have. My biggest issue is that I don't believe that there is anyone who would find my thoughts that interesting, but I guess that's not the point. The point is to create something. To get my mind working. To exercise my brain.

So, I'll have to force myself to write. Write about anything. Collect my thoughts and expound upon them in a coherent manner. Darn this ADHD!

I am really beginning to detest snow. We've had more than has been necessary this winter and I've about had it. I've shoveled tons of the stuff. As a matter of fact there is a glacier forming in my front yard. There is also a mound of snow that is over 6' tall that I've taken to calling it Mt. Gore.

Speaking of Mr. Gore, it seems as though he's gone missing. No one knows where he is and that's a shame because there are a lot of people who would like to ask him some questions about his Nobel Prize and Academy Award. It turns out that Al's quite the wordsmith too He was spotted recently reading a poem . You know when you think of all the accomplishments of Mr. Gore it just makes you seem small. Inventor of the Internet, U.S. Senator, Vice President of the United States of America, would-be thief of the office of the President of the United States of America, author, college professor, scientific hobbyist, film maker and quite possibly our next Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry.

Unfortunately for Al, facts are beginning to get in his way of future success. It turns out that the books and films that were produced out of his hobby; didn't really rely on accurate information and recent developments have shed some, if you'll excuse the pun, sunlight on a few things.

It turns out that some of the science really wasn't science at all. It's also come to light that some of the results were predetermined and that the "science has been politicized all along. So far there hasn't been a whole lot of press on it in America, but thanks to the very Internet that Mr. Gore invented, we can read newspapers from other countries. Thank you Al.